Sun and Shade

I heart color contrasts, and one of my most favorite ways of enjoying the beauty of contrasting colors is in finding dappled sunlight. I love observing these spots around my home space. Outdoors and indoors, where sun and shade pair, the result is always a visual delight. The effect is well known, from Renoir's gorgeous paintings to the hundreds of websites and videos showing dappled light tips and tricks. For me, shameless amateur photographer with a phone camera, it becomes a bit like scavenger hunt plus detective novel. Finding the perfect spot in the precise moment might take days of observation and planning, or it might happen randomly one lucky moment. Part of the delight, and challenge, in finding a beautiful dappled sunlight spot is that the location is constantly changing. Every dappled moment is temporary beauty, and each day will have different conditions that produce a new beautiful visual in that same location.


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